Meet KnitKnit Author Sabrina Gschwandtner

KnitKnit-Cover--250-pixels.jpgThe first time I met Sabrina Gschwandtner, the author of KnitKnit: Profiles and Projects from Knitting's New Wave and the founder of the zine KnitKnit, I was impressed by her intelligence, artistry, energy, and poise (and that she was wearing a pair of shoes from one of my favorite designers -- Cydwoq). She is currently touring in the United States and England (possibly in those shoes) and I hope you will go to meet her if she will be in your area. Click here to see her schedule, here to read her blog about the tour on MySpace, here to see a small gallery of photos from the book, and here to read a Q&A with her about the making of KnitKnit.