Knitting for Peace/Project Linus Blanket


It's always pleasing to see projects people have made from the books we publish at STC Craft. The blanket here from Oiyi's Crafts caught my eye yesterday. It's the Project Linus Security Blanket. This blogger got the pattern from our book Knitting for Peace by Betty Christiansen, but it also appears here (on the Project Linus website). If you don't already know, Project Linus is a wonderful organization that distributes handknitted blankets to critically ill and traumatized children. The pattern is basically three rows repeated over and over--and two of them are either all knit or all purl. (It doesn't get much easier than that.)

The sweater in the photo--called the Quickie ("5-Hour") Baby Sweater--comes from The Fiber Gypsy. The pattern is free but each person who uses it is asked to make at least one sweater for charity (a good deal all around).